9 Messaging Experts on Combining Klaviyo, SMS and WhatsApp in 2023

Jonas van de Poel · 17 min read

We asked a range of ecommerce messaging experts about trends they’ve been observing, and their favorite omnichannel messaging strategies for combining email, SMS and WhatsApp. Let’s jump straight in:

Lee Becker, Freelance

Hi Lee! In short: who are you and what do you do?

Hi, I’m Lee! A senior designer, Shopify and Klaviyo Partner and adorer of all things ecommerce! 

Once upon a time, working in-house for big brands including News Corp, Donna Hay, Vogue Australia, Kimberly-Clark, and more, I have over 20 years of experience as an Art Director and a unique blend of knowledge in creative advertising, marketing, and communications.

Today, using that knowledge, I help purpose-led small to medium size enterprises access that same level of expertise with ease.

I enjoy working closely with those at the heart of their business who love what they do and simply need a hand with making their online store the best that it can be.

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

There is a definite trend in valuable content. Brands need to give customers a reason to sign up to email marketing. A 10% discount is simply just not going to cut it. And then they need a reason to open the email marketing, and then engage with it. 

Customers want to know what they will be getting. They want connection and personalisation. They want to feel special and cared for. So what are brands offering them?

Storytelling? Community? VIP status? Early access? This is all going to be dependent on the brand and their offering, and as a starting point they need to be clear on who their customer is, the problems they are facing, and how the brand can help them.

I think it will become mainstream in 2023 to invite more customers to subscribe to SMS and other platforms. Omnichannel marketing is an important focus for brands, to ensure they are communicating with their customers effectively. It can also give them an opportunity to ask their customers for their preferred method of communication, so they can tailor the messaging to their needs and give a more personalized experience.

A trend I see dying out in 2023 is blanket campaigns for all subscribers. Brands are using data and segmentation to create more specific, and therefore effective, marketing.

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS and WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

Email is my biggest focus. As a designer I love the visual aspect of what can be created and achieved with email marketing. When I am working in collaboration with a copywriter, then often we will incorporate some SMS components, where appropriate. Whilst WhatsApp & Messenger are important for particular brands, I will leave those to the experts in those areas!

Julija Gjorgjioska, Underground Ecom

Hi Julija! In short: who are you and what do you do?

I’m Julija, an Email Marketing Executive at Underground Ecom, one of the fastest growing email marketing agencies globally. My background extends into email marketing, sales, leadership, B2B and B2C in numerous areas. Coming from a teaching background, I have been able to foster close and personal relationships with clients and customers alike. 

I was born in North Macedonia and grew up in New Jersey, in the US, which is where my accent comes from. 

Prior to becoming an Email Marketing Executive, I held the position of Client Manager for over 18 months and was able to personally communicate with clients on a weekly basis. This led to my understanding of their wants and needs, as well as their customer base. I currently am involved in creating content for various brands, strategy on a weekly, monthly and quarterly level, and everything else that involves email marketing. 

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

With the rise in popularity of AI tools such as ChatGPT, ecommerce brands are able to optimize their work more than ever. Consequently, marketing professionals have been asking themselves the impact this has yet to bring to ecommerce and what it will mean. Will it replace actual individuals? Is it a threat to job takeovers? 

Namely, I believe that AI tools have been created to aid us in our work as opposed to taking over our jobs. If seen as tools rather than competition, they can be of tremendous help. However, with the changes happening in third-party data and personalization, it’s more important than ever to give a more human approach to marketing as the world continues to evolve. Empathy and the human connection will never run short, thus implementing this approach is more valuable than ever.  

Additionally, brands and agencies are slowly turning to the Omnichannel approach which not only serves a more seamless user experience, but is a great way to have all channels under one roof. This makes it more practical for reporting, data analysis and a full understanding of the brand.

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

When it comes to channels like email, SMS and WhatsApp/Messenger, I have noticed an increase of use in all areas, usually combined. The most underrated communication channel is email in my experience, as it can be used to target a large audience and still be personalized to a target audience. 

Brands that connect their channels and keep them under one roof have seen more success than those that fail to do so. When done well, SMS can be a powerful add-on paired with email as a strong marketing tool. One thing to note is not to bombard customers with unnecessary messaging, as we run the risk of losing them even before they walk through the door. WhatsApp and Messenger can be a powerful tool as well, depending on the geographical location and permissions. 

I frequently use WhatsApp for personal use, along with SMS and email. Messenger is more of a dying fad in younger generations that have turned to platforms like TikTok and are moving away from Facebook/Messenger. 

Natasha Jones, Freelance

Hi Natasha! In short: who are you and what do you do?

I’m a Freelance Klaviyo Email Marketing Expert, which is a job I have been passionate about since discovering Klaviyo in 2016. I specialize in Pet-Niche, as in my spare time I run several Dog Rescue Initiatives. Working online gives me the ability to blend my passions and super-powers!

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

Virtual try-on experiences, where customers can virtually try on products before purchasing them online. AMP Emails where can add interactivity directly into the subscribers inbox. I think SMS Marketing was a false starter, and will die out in 2023. 

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

Email, however more and more, WhatsApp is becoming a preferred method of communication (or the country equivalent when working with international customers). Klaviyo now integrates quite well with Whatsapp, and I'm excited to see this category of integrations grow in 2023. 

Silke Hein, Freelance

Hi Silke! In short: who are you and what do you do?

My name is Silke Hein and I am an independent email marketing manager based in Germany. With around 12 years of professional experience in ecommerce, my focus today is to support start-up companies both strategically and operationally in building long-term customer relationships through professional email marketing.

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

The use of AI for copywriting and more is of course a big trend, but I am convinced that only a successful interaction between humans and machines is the decisive strength of these developments. I would like to say that a dying trend is sending mass mailings to entire mailing lists and only sending relevant emails to specific segments, but unfortunately this is still not the case in many companies. ;-)

Personally, I find it particularly exciting that the topic of sustainability is also becoming more and more important in email marketing, and I hope that this trend will continue to develop and raise awareness of the fact that the way we have learned classic ecommerce with limitless growth and discount battles cannot work in the long term if we all want to have something from our planet for a little longer.

In order to build a good relationship with the customers in the long term, it is absolutely necessary to create a real base of trust. Relevant content and segmentation, well-designed automations, strong branding with recognition value, and interaction options for customers such as surveys and quizzes help here.

By involving the customer in the communication, a true dialog is possible from the one-way street communication which helps to retain returning customers and receive valuable recommendations in the long term.

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

The history of email is now more than 50 years old (!) and I'm absolutely fascinated by the potential that this original form of digital communication still offers. So my focus is on e-mail marketing. But WhatsApp has also become increasingly important in Germany and is already being used very successfully by many companies as a communication channel for rapid exchange, which I find very useful, especially in the area of customer support.

A well-coordinated orchestra of email and messenger marketing therefore makes sense for many companies that want to offer good service and build real connections with their customers.

Steve Toitot, Freelance

Hi Steve! In short: who are you and what do you do?

I'm a copywriter who specializes in email marketing for ecommerce. I have been working in this field for several years now, and I have helped countless ecommerce brands build email automations that drive revenue and create campaigns to build awareness, trust, and sales. 

I am passionate about email marketing and believe that it is one of the most effective ways to engage with customers and build long-term relationships with them.

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

As we move into 2023, I believe that heavily designed emails will start to die out. People are tired of receiving emails that scream "BUY BUY" and don't create trust or positive emotions. Instead, I believe that ecommerce brands will start to focus on creating more personalized and targeted emails that speak directly to the customer's needs and interests.

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

When it comes to messaging channels, I primarily use email. I have found that email is one of the most effective ways to reach customers and build long-term relationships with them. 

However, I also recognize that there are other messaging channels that can be effective, such as SMS and WhatsApp/Messenger. Ultimately, the key is to find the right mix of messaging channels that works best for your specific brand and target audience.

Gabriela Stroe, eComMasters

Hi Gabriela! In short: who are you and what do you do?

Hi there, I'm Gabriela and I'm an Email Marketing and Loyalty Programs Manager at eComMasters,  a recently established e-commerce agency based in Romania. While my expertise is primarily in email marketing, I have always regarded it as a powerful retention and loyalty tool. As a result, I have decided to expand my skill set to include Loyalty Programs, Referrals, and Review Programs.

My aim is to address a gap in the industry and offer comprehensive Retention and Loyalty Services to e-commerce businesses. With this initiative, I hope to help businesses retain customers, increase loyalty, and improve their overall bottom line.

Which ecommerce messaging trends will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses must keep up with the latest trends in email marketing to stay ahead of the competition. One such trend is hyper-personalization, which is expected to continue gaining momentum in 2023. 

This trend is driven by the increasing need for businesses to tailor their marketing messages to individual customers and provide them with a more personalized experience. To achieve this, businesses will need to leverage more channels, improve their segmentation strategies, and collect more data, all while complying with strict privacy and data protection protocols.

Another exciting trend in email marketing is the rise of interactive email designs. These are emails that incorporate elements that boost customer engagement and keep them interested in the content of the email.

Some examples of interactive email elements include rollover effects to showcase a handful of products, animated buttons and calls-to-action (CTAs), interactive images and product carousels users can click through, surveys, polls, and other interactive content.

When it comes to messaging channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp / Messenger), which channels do you use most frequently? How do you combine them?

A comprehensive marketing strategy can be achieved by combining email marketing with SMS and WhatsApp/Messenger marketing. Email marketing remains the primary focus, while the other two channels serve as supportive tools. 

I strongly advocate for the growth of WhatsApp/Messenger marketing, as it enhances personalization and can be used as an information tool based on customer request, in addition to campaigns and automation features - which are not requested. 

My primary marketing strategy involves the use of email marketing, which I consider a well-established and effective tool. However, I also supplement it with SMS and WhatsApp/Messenger, as necessary, based on the unique needs and available resources of each client.

Yuval Ackerman, Freelance

Hi Yuval! In short: who are you and what do you do?

I’m an ethical email strategist and copywriter, helping eComm and personal brands create people-first inbox experiences that sell more. My approach is simple: to stand out in the overcrowded inbox, you have to cater to your customers and their individual journeys, and help them make informed decisions they’d be thrilled about.

Which ecommerce messaging trends have you identified this year? Which ones will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

Thankfully, gamification and personalization are growing and developing more this year and in the ones to come. Shoving the first name merge tag everywhere isn’t enough anymore. It’s all about making email a two-way communication stream rather than the old-fashioned blast-and-disappear approach.

A trend that I see slowly dying (thankfully, again), is brands that only send sales emails, and only when they have something to sell or promote. There are different types of buyers, and even though some purchases are impulsive, more subscribers today need a lot more nurturing before deciding to invest more than “just” their time, energy, and attention in any brand’s solution. 

Another trend that I predict we’d see less of (especially from brands who do their research and truly learn their audiences and from them) is discounting left and right. I’m not against discounting in general, but I do think it’s not necessarily the right tactic to use for each brand or each audience - especially not as a lead magnet.

There are different ways to attract new subscribers and those don’t have to decrease a brand’s (already tight) profit margins or give an incorrect impression/set unhelpful expectations of a brand right from the get-go.

When it comes to messaging channels, email, SMS and WhatsApp / Messenger are key. Which channels do you use most frequently, and how do you combine them?

Every brand and every audience is different. You have to test and check what works for your brand - for some brands, it’d be email + SMS, and for others, it’d be Whatsapp and Instagram, and maybe no emails at all (outrageous, I know!). 

The one-size-fits-all approach is dead. Your messaging channels need to meet your audience where they expect to see and interact with you, and where it’s the easiest for them to do so.

I use emails and SMS the most, but again, that requires continuous (and strategic) testing and optimization.

Dennis Kroon, Ecommerce Accelerator

Hi Dennis! In short: who are you and what do you do?

Hi! My name is Dennis Kroon. I’m a Klaviyo expert and co-founder of Klaviyo agency Ecommerce Accelerator

I help D2C ecommerce brands to create personalized customer experiences that drive revenue and repeat business via email.

I like helping our clients grow their businesses with cost-effective and automated marketing strategies, so they can grow fast & profitably while also focusing on building long-term relationships with their customers. We provide agency services and also have a community for brands that want to learn how to implement our strategies themselves and manage Klaviyo in-house.

Which ecommerce messaging trends have you identified this year? Which ones will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

The trend that I’m most excited about is the rise of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney which can be used to create text and images for customer journeys. 

I’m more of a strategic email marketer and rely on designers and copywriters to implement my ideas. So having these tools available gives me the freedom to experiment more and execute my own ideas. That’s super cool! This is all still quite new and these tools are not so user-friendly at the moment, but I believe that will get a lot better over time. 

The trend that I hope will die out in 2023 is fake scarcity. For example, announcing a big sale with a deadline you already know will be ‘extended due to success’ or pretending an item is low on stock if it isn’t. 

Using real scarcity in your communication is fine but faking it is basically lying to your customers and I believe that works once or twice but people are smart enough to realize what’s going on the third time. This hurts your long-term relationship with them and they might even switch to more honest brands. I personally rather buy from honest brands that treat me fairly and am also willing to pay more for that.    

When it comes to messaging channels, email, SMS and WhatsApp / Messenger are key. Which channels do you use most frequently, and how do you combine them?

The channel I use the most is email and it’s still the backbone of any complete messaging strategy. That’s because it’s a lower commitment for consumers to opt-in for email and most people won’t unsubscribe if you email them once a week with relevant content and offers. At the same time the cost of sending out an email is also lower (Klaviyo pricing starts at $0,004 per email sent).

However, SMS and WhatsApp have a higher engagement rate and are great for complementing email communication at moments when you have a big announcement like launching new products or a key moment in the customer journey like a product that is restocked and the client asked to be notified about.

Yavor Berbenkov, Avocado Marketing

Hi Yavor! In short: who are you and what do you do?

Hello everyone! My name is Yavor Berbenkov, and I'm a former sportsman who has since become a successful marketer in the ecommerce industry. Over the last 5 years, I have helped over 150 clients create and implement solid customer retention strategies both on and off Upwork. 

That’s why in early 2020 I decided to launch Avocado Marketing so we can help more brands reach their true potential and scale.

Our main goal for each of our clients is simple but effective: to convert as many website visitors as possible into repeat customers and brand advocates.

Which ecommerce messaging trends have you identified this year? Which ones will be mainstream and which ones will die out in 2023? 

In my opinion, the biggest messaging trend in 2023 is the ability to deliver personalized experiences to your customers, leveraging the new advanced technologies available in the ecommerce space. With the advancements in machine learning and AI, a data-driven approach will become increasingly valuable not only in ecommerce, but in all online businesses.

The data itself is not the most important thing; rather, it's the ability to collect actionable data directly from customers and use it throughout the entire customer journey that can help businesses move beyond the typical generalized email marketing strategies that are being implemented by most people.

While it's important to start with foundational email automations, engagement-based segmentation, and weekly manual broadcast campaigns, most brands have already laid this groundwork. 

The question, then, becomes: how can you take your email marketing to the next level?

Personally, I prefer to base my work on principles rather than blindly following "best practices." One principle that many people have yet to fully grasp is this: "The more you know about your customers, the better you can serve them." 

I have never encountered someone who knows and treats someone as they should be treated, without benefiting from it. Therefore, I believe that understanding your customers and treating them better than your competitors (by leveraging the data they provide you) will be the biggest trend for this year and beyond.

When it comes to messaging channels, email, SMS and WhatsApp / Messenger are key. Which channels do you use most frequently, and how do you combine them?

For most of our clients, we set up email and SMS for now as they bring the best outcomes. As we all know, in business profit is what matters so every decision should be based on data and brand economics. Email is way cheaper than sending SMS messages. And yes, SMS is really effective because of how intimate this channel is, but let me explain:

Most of the time people have 2-3 or more email addresses and they don’t mind sharing one of them in exchange for a discount or a useful content piece, however most people only have 1 phone number/device that they actively use and let’s be honest you can’t ignore checking your phone when you receive an SMS.

So what does this mean for your email/SMS marketing mix? 

Well, we get back to the principles here, and in my opinion when you’re using something that’s considerably powerful (in terms of how intimate your phone is nowadays) marketers have to apply some common sense when combining sms messages with the email automation and manual campaigns.

In our experience SMS works best (just like it is for a normal relationship) when you’re not too pushy and needy. I always hate it when people don’t give you context and examples when they explain something so…

Here are some examples of SM to email messages ratio that should work fine for most of you reading this:

Important Note: You should increase the number of emails/sms messages only based on data and current performance.

  • Welcome Series - 4-7 emails to 1-3 SMS messages

  • Abandoned Checkout - 3-6 emails to 1-3 SMS messages 

  • Replenishment (especially for consumable products) - 4 emails to 1-2 SMS messages

  • Browse Abandonment (especially for high AOV brands) - 2-4 emails  to 1-2 SMS messages

  • Post Purchase (UGC/Review Request) - 2-3 emails to 1 SMS message

  • Research Emails - You typically send them as a last email in abandoned cart, welcome flow, post purchase and replenishment - 1 email to 1 SMS message 

  • Manual Campaigns - 1-2 SMS  messages per month (1 promotional, 1 useful content/tips) 


The most cost-effective method of incorporating SMS into your email marketing strategy is to avoid sending the same content to those who have already received it via email. 

This can be easily accomplished by setting up your email and SMS campaigns under one "umbrella" using a tool such as Klaviyo. By doing so, you can not only increase your sales but also reduce your SMS expenses by more than 50%. Pretty cool, right?

Need help with your Klaviyo, WhatsApp or SMS marketing? 

Look no further than the Messaging Heroes community: a place where you can find the world’s best Klaviyo, WhatsApp, email and SMS marketing experts. 

Is there a project you need help with? Get in touch, and we’ll make sure you get connected to the right people, right now.

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